Housekeep - London

Dirección: 105 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3BU.

Página web:
Especialidades: -.
Otros datos de interés: Estimaciones online, Acceso para sillas de ruedas, Aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 3578 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4/5.

Ubicación de Housekeep

Housekeep 105 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3BU

Horario de Housekeep

  • Lunes: 7:00–20:00
  • Martes: 7:00–20:00
  • Miércoles: 7:00–20:00
  • Jueves: 7:00–20:00
  • Viernes: 7:00–20:00
  • Sábado: 7:00–20:00
  • Domingo: 7:00–20:00

Housekeep es una empresa que ofrece servicios de limpieza profesional para el hogar. Con una amplia experiencia en el sector, se ha posicionado como una de las mejores opciones para aquellos que desean mantener sus hogares limpios y ordenados.

Ubicada en el corazón de Londres, en la dirección 105 Farringdon Rd, London EC1R 3BU, Housekeep es fácilmente accesible para aquellos que viven o trabajan en el centro de la ciudad. Además, la empresa ofrece aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas y es accesible para personas con movilidad reducida.

Una de las características más destacadas de Housekeep es su sistema de estimaciones online, que permite a los clientes obtener fácilmente una cotización precisa y sin compromiso para los servicios que necesitan. Además, la empresa cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados y confiables, que se encargan de brindar un servicio de limpieza de alta calidad.

Housekeep se especializa en una variedad de servicios de limpieza, que incluyen limpieza de hogares, oficinas y locales comerciales. También ofrecen servicios adicionales como planchado, lavado de ventanas y limpieza de alfombras.

En cuanto a las opiniones de los clientes, Housekeep tiene una excelente reputación en línea. Según Google My Business, la empresa cuenta con 3578 valoraciones, con una calificación promedio de 4/5. Los clientes han elogiado la calidad del servicio, la profesionalidad del personal y la facilidad de programar y gestionar los servicios.

Opiniones de Housekeep

Housekeep - London
Ana Tecpa

Excelente servicio, muy profesional y puntual

Housekeep - London
Alyssa Dominique

[Pics are after 4 different cleans by 3 different Housekeep cleaners]

We have consistently been absolutely shocked and appalled at the level of cleanliness provided by Housekeep - or lack thereof. I must say, each cleaner has been very nice and they’ve been lovely to our cat as well. But their cleaning abilities are non-existent. Each time, our home was left filthy and we've had to re-clean. We requested cancellation of our subscription after the first clean and we were assured if we keep our subscription we would be getting the best cleaner in the area. She was also bad. We decided to try her again - she was marginally better but altogether still bad. Just reiterating, we cleaned our home after both housecleans by this "best" cleaner.

We thought perhaps there was a language barrier, or that we needed to be absolutely crystal clear about our expectations. So today, we provided an absolutely clear checklist of what we wanted cleaned. Again, extremely disappointing clean provided. Each time we've had a Housekeep cleaner, things that were not dirty were left dirty, things that we wanted cleaned were untouched or poorly cleaned, and there was loose dirt and hair everywhere.

In addition to the poor cleaning provided, we have concerns about the cleaning products that are used. Each time we’ve paid for the cleaners to bring their own products and each time the products that they’ve brought have been sketchy to say the least. One cleaner brought what looked like watered-down washing up liquid in a fairy bottle. The cleaner today used Elbow Grease cream cleaner for EVERYTHING - picture frames, the toaster, kitchen cabinets and even our French press. This is extremely concerning as cream cleaner is quite toxic and is NOT food safe. Housekeep should be mandating what products and the quality of products cleaners are using and ensuring they understand how and where to use them.

Even with a discount – in fact, even if we were offered free cleans – we have no desire at all to ever use Housekeep’s services again. Ever. We gave the company 4 whole chances to provide an average clean, at the very least. And we never received that. We’ll gladly take our money elsewhere.

Housekeep - London
russell steere-jones

Staggeringly poor organisation. Initially booked as there was a special offer and the first person to visit us was by far the best cleaner we’ve had in over 25 years. Sadly they were unable to do regular cleans. Then we were given another cleaner. This person is probably one of the worst we’ve had in 25 years, very disappointing and inconsistent levels of service. Third cleaner, not bad at all, so decided to carry on on a regular basis. Was meant to collect keys ahead of second visit to allow them entry to find them calling me early in the morning to get into the property as they didn’t have the keys from their office…
Lengthy conversation with a customer service department, who offered me a one hour credit (pathetic given the level of service received so far in my opinion) and then booked me a one off clean with one of the “best cleaners in our area” today, to then receive a message from her, saying she wouldn’t go into a flat with our dogs… Again, why wasn’t this communicated. Apparently they are unable to refund me which again I think is disgusting given how poor their services have been! £18 an hour was more than what we’ve ever paid for a cleaning company. After the incredible first impression we thought okay, it’s worth it but my goodness ever since it has been anything but.
Picture attached of how we found our apartment after the second visit.

Housekeep - London

Do not use this company at any cost, if you choose to do so, you will have huge regrets.

Firstly the cleaning service provided was staggeringly poor.

I paid for the option in which the cleaner should bring cleaning products. The cleaner failed to bring these products, with no prior warning.

As a result this meant scrambling around to use products within the house that were not adequate for all areas of the house.

To my dismay I noticed that exfoliating gloves within the shower were covered in pine toilet duck product. The cleaner had used toilet cleaner and the gloves to clean the shower and it’s respective shower tray.

An unacceptable, despicable lack of hygiene and respect.

Upon further inspection I noticed that the cleaner had also dislodged the shower as a result of their cleaning.

In cleaning the toilet, yet another issue was identified! She had broken the buffer on the toilet.

Not only was the service provided horrendous, but the customer service was equally bad. The company refuse to even spare a few pounds to replace the damage caused by them. My request to close my account has even been ignored.

Heed the warnings provided by myself and others. Avoid this company.

Housekeep - London
Sophie Vallis

Would not use again. Cleaner was over an hour late, didn’t read any of the instructions I left on the app about how to enter the property. The quality of cleaning was not good enough, the bathroom looked like it hadn’t been touched, likely because my partner saw her walk out of the bathroom with tomato feed, so she was using this to clean the bathroom!

I requested a full refund which I didn’t get, but was offered 1 hour credit, however I have since moved from the property so this didn’t help at all. My new property was in an area that they didn’t service, so they stopped responding.

After a few more emails and me offering a suggestion of the 1 hour credit as a refund back on my card, I finally received a response confirming this refund.

I will not be using this company again to book a cleaner.

Housekeep - London
Nicholas Kaba

Terrible experience and poor customer service. The cleaner accidentally broke an item in our flat (mistakes happen and I understand this and she was apologetic), but housekeep offered us a cleaning credit as compensation… trying to encourage us to use the service. I’ve mentioned a number times we just want either a replacement sorted or a cash refund so we can replace. Clearly this business does not put the customer first.

Housekeep - London
Pali G

Got to Housekeep through a timeout offer. 3 cleans for less than £50. Sounds like a bargain but it’s been a pain so far.
1st cleaner left after less than an hour leaving the flat half done. They then credited one hour back in my account after reporting it.
2nd cleaner was meant to be “one of the best in the area” but again, really low standards of cleaning. The flat just didn’t look clean at all. I am not sure what she did for 2 hours in my flat. They have also credited back 1 of the 2 hours paid for this.
Now I’ll have a 3rd cleaner next week after reporting this one. I just can’t deal with this anymore and regretted so much getting their services. Not sure how they recruit the cleaners but it seems to be people wanting to make easy money instead of professionals. It is unacceptable to pay for a service like the one they offer.

Do not recommend

Housekeep - London
Rahmat Alasa

Poor experience with the cleaner. I booked an 8 hour clean for slot 9-12pm , and urgently needed the cleaner to come the day of the clean as I was expecting guests later that day. The night before the clean, I reached out to the cleaner to ask her arrival time and she said 9:30am. Seeing as I had a meeting between 9:30 and 10:30 (and the slot I booked was 9-12 arrival), I asked the cleaner if she could arrive at 9 or 10:30. She refused and told me to cancel the clean if I cannot do 9:30. I accepted that and asked if she could at least come at 9:20 (only 10 minutes before!) so that I can let her in before my meeting started. She then went ahead to say that she lives far away and will only come at 9:20 if I reduce the cleaning time from 8 hours to 5 hours. Of course I refused as I needed the clean urgently and 5 hours would not be sufficient to clean my house. Because I refused she then said that she cannot come at 9:20. So I requested that we stick to 9:30 as she originally planned and asked her if she can confirm she would still come, but she reads the message and does not respond. The morning of the clean , I message her again to ask if she is on her way. Again no response and then she cancels the clean. This has left me in a very difficult position as I have guests arriving and no cleaner coming. Housekeep needs to do a better job at vetting the cleaners they hire !
