Deep Clean Services -

Teléfono: 07715321088.

Especialidades: Servicio de limpieza de alfombras, Service establishment.

Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 38 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.8/5.

Ubicación de Deep Clean Services

Deep Clean Services, ubicada en la dirección , es una empresa especializada en brindar servicios de limpieza profunda de alfombras y establecimientos. Con su teléfono y página web , ofrecen soluciones efectivas y profesionales a tus necesidades de limpieza.

Esta empresa se destaca por su servicio de limpieza de alfombras, el cual está diseñado para dejar tus alfombras impecables y renovadas. Utilizan técnicas avanzadas y productos de alta calidad, asegurando un resultado excelente en cada trabajo realizado. Además de esto, ofrecen servicios de limpieza para establecimientos, garantizando un entorno limpio y saludable.

Deep Clean Services se encuentra en una ubicación estratégica y conveniente, lo que facilita el acceso a sus clientes. Su personal altamente capacitado y experimentado se encarga de brindar un servicio de calidad, adaptándose a las necesidades y requerimientos específicos de cada cliente.

Esta empresa ha recibido un total de 38 valoraciones en Google My Business, lo que demuestra su compromiso con la satisfacción del cliente. Además, la opinión media de 4.8/5 refleja la alta calidad y eficiencia de sus servicios.

Si estás buscando una empresa de limpieza confiable y profesional, no dudes en contactar a Deep Clean Services. Su equipo de expertos estará encantado de asistirte y brindarte un servicio personalizado y efectivo. No solo te ofrecerán una limpieza profunda y exhaustiva, sino que también te garantizarán un entorno saludable y agradable.

Te recomendamos visitar su página web para obtener más información y solicitar un presupuesto personalizado. No dudes en contactarlos y experimenta la diferencia de un servicio de limpieza de alta calidad

Opiniones de Deep Clean Services

Deep Clean Services -
Sanja Baron

Extremely bad service, misleading me saying they have experience with red wine. They have send me picture of completely clean carpets as a proof what they can do. This is the result of their service (see picture) and they charge on it minimum £120!
They have a doggy business model, they say they will remove almost everything but minimum charge is £120 for the guys to even come. And if you are not happy you still need to pay.
They now caused even more damaged because they have bleached my carpet around the stains!

Deep Clean Services -
Rizwan lashari

I recently had the pleasure of hiring a carpet cleaning service for my home, and I am absolutely thrilled with the results! The company I chose demonstrated a level of professionalism and expertise that exceeded my expectations.

Deep Clean Services -
Nofil Mir

I love Deep Clean Services are wonderful and have been cleaning my house for years! They are always on time, they do an amazing job, and they do it with such kindness.

Deep Clean Services -
Suzy Oliveira Oliveira

Good service professional workers and very hard working gays on our carpet ther was so many stains and the cleaners make it looks like new I am very happy with their job.

Deep Clean Services -
Abi Anandh

Ali proves himself as a professional in his works, I was very hesitant when he shared the cost involved to t clean my sofa , But I’m satisfied at last. Well done!

Deep Clean Services -
Rufi Shahzada

Professional service! They made my furniture set just like new. Hats off to their experts for such cleanliness.

Deep Clean Services -
Sid Star

I got a sofa clean. Very professional and patiently did for 2 hours. Removed all pets stains and smell carefully

Deep Clean Services -
Alexa Bliss

These guys are great. They are on time, do good work and even where slips over their shoes to keep your floors clean. They missed a small spot on my sofa and the owner happily sent over another guy for a touch-up. Highly recommend.
